Performance list


    Since its establishment for 15 years, Beijing Jianyan Environmental Protection Equipments Co., Ltd (hereinafter as “Jianyan”) commits to environmental protection, forms a cooperative relationship of mutual trust with the relevant government sectors and clients, and has completed over 300 large sewage treatment projects for different industries, which not only generated a considerable economic benefits and enormous social benefits; but also solved the water pollution issues for the clients, greatly improving their peripheral environment. In line with elaborate design and professional construction, we built all projects as typical engineering which have passed acceptance of the state environmental protection authorities, all treated wastewater reach or exceed the state discharge standards, won the unanimous praise from clients.

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No Project Name Water Treatment Project Address
1  加纳阿克拉MUDOR污水处理厂改造工程  18000t/d  加纳国阿克拉市
2  加纳 High Street/Ministries/Osu-Labone/State House泵站改造工程  16000t/d(出水量)  加纳国阿克拉市
3  安哥拉市政污水厂  22000 m3/d  安哥拉